Thailand Is In Asia!

Thailand is very much Asian (a real bomb shell there I know), for some reason Im not sure why, I seem to forget that fact some times while I’m here. Perhaps because its more toned down from say China where the omni-presence of random english signs that say things like “please remove the vestibule of the entering before the force will be having to make removal of self” smacked you in the face all the time. Here, its more subtle. Which is great honestly.

Here are some things I found to be in that category that I have found humorous:

1. The Way Milk Should Be:

Plain Milk

Plain Milk

Why do we need distinctions (I actually personally love the simplicity of choice in third world countries, I just think this is the perfect example of that)? Why the 1%, 2%, skim and other permutations?

2. A Double Fish Burger at McDonalds

Double Fish Filet

Double Fish Filet

Thats right, D OUBLE. As much as I would like to forget the eating of McDonalds while in Thailand, which to me is a sin almost tantamount to say murder, it did allow me to enjoy seeing how McDonald tries to adapt to local cultures in interesting ways. I however dont think I could deal with that much fish…

3. ATMs Make Life Interesting

Unfortunately I havent recorded it, but I think I am obliged to. Here, when you take out money from an ATM its not a every day thing apparently. Accompanying the withdrawal, or actually, whenever the machine really feels like it, it begins to play music that I cannot adequately describe, but I guess it would be a happy carribean dance ringtone type thing. I’ll record it and try and post it, it made my day. Why cant every ATM just be happy about life right?

4. Math on Snacks?

Fish Math

Fish Math

I remember getting bubble gum in places that would have weird facts or some kind of joke or something like that on the back so that when you are done you have something to read and enjoy. Here its math. And not even like some interesting kind of statistic. No, its math, cold, hard math. A formula and an explanation about it. And we wonder why kids in Asia consistently kick North American’s asses at math…

Well that concludes this somewhat random collection of things I have found funny here… there are others but these stuck out. If you have any other bizzare thai observations please feel free to comment.

~ by sschafft on July 5, 2009.

One Response to “Thailand Is In Asia!”

  1. Haha, damn bro! I’m finally checking out your blog and it’s funny! I’m not easily amused by blogs and actually only use them as sources of compiled information like DIY’s and How-to’s. But this really takes the cake for entertainment. Good job!

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